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+baseURL = "https://huntm.net/"
+title = "Michael Hunteman"
+pygmentsUseClasses = true
+ name = "Home"
+ url = "/"
+ weight = 1
+ name = "Blog"
+ url = "/blog/"
+ weight = 2
+ name = "Projects"
+ url = "/projects/"
+ weight = 3
+ name = "Resume"
+ url = "/resume.pdf"
+ weight = 4
+ name = "Contact"
+ url = "mailto:michael@huntm.net"
+ weight = 1
+ name = "Books"
+ url = "/books/"
+ weight = 2
+ name = "Links"
+ url = "/links/"
+ weight = 3
+ name = "Donate"
+ url = "/donate/"
+ weight = 4
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+title: Michael Hunteman
+Welcome! I created this site to share my ideas in the way the Internet was
+intended: without using a third-party platform. I believe in giving power and
+freedom back to users. My goal is to create and share free and open source
+software and provide alternatives to proprietary software. I believe in free
+speech and the power of positive, thoughtful ideas. My other goal is to spread
+my knowledge so people can improve their approach to life. Let’s make the
+world a better place. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! [PGP
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+title: Blog
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+title: Free and Open Source Software
+date: 2023-01-09
+Consider the purpose of the software you use and the values guiding the project.
+What is the founder’s mission? Who do they put first, the user or the company?
+Sadly, it is usually the company. Profit drives companies and can come at the
+cost of users. The company sells user data and deplatforms users. Advertisements
+become abundant, and paywalls hide features. But free and open source software
+(FOSS) offers user freedom, community-driven development, and learning
+FOSS is available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. Users are not
+restricted by licensing fees or other limitations that can come with proprietary
+software. This freedom allows users to customize and tailor the software to
+their specific needs and ensures they have control over their technology rather
+than the company that created it. If you notice a bug or want a new feature,
+write and send your own patch. Even if you do not know the language or library,
+read the documentation, speak with the community, and learn.
+Open source projects have high accountability and trust because the code and who
+wrote it are public information. Not only does this encourage the developers to
+write better code, but it also encourages collaboration from users. Community
+ownership is a fundamental distinction between proprietary and open source
+software. In open source projects, the community owns the software rather than
+the company. This community-driven approach also means that FOSS is often more
+reliable and secure than proprietary software, as it benefits from the
+collective knowledge and expertise of its users.
+Users and developers are more likely to learn when they use FOSS. They can look
+at the source code and understand how the program works rather than just what it
+does. Developers can make their software compatible with other software and
+hardware. Because FOSS is free to use and modify, it has economic benefits for
+students who do not have income. It also benefits entrepreneurs and small
+businesses with limited budgets.
+How can you help?
+- Encourage people to use free software
+- Encourage schools and businesses to use free software
+- Write and share free software and its ideas
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+title: "Hypertrophy Principles"
+date: 2023-01-18
+Thank you, Dr. Mike Israetel and Renaissance Periodization, for teaching me most
+of what I know about muscle growth. The concepts in this post give a good idea
+of how people can grow muscle according to sports science. While the data and
+evidence are likely to be correct, there is a chance it could be wrong, as with
+everything in science.
+After reading this article, you will notice most people do not follow these
+principles, yet some have muscle. Building muscle can be as simple as training
+consistently, progressing by adding volume, and eating in a caloric surplus with
+plenty of protein. The nuances do matter though! As you advance, more of the
+training variables will need to be correct for you to grow. The hypertrophy
+principles show how to build muscle **optimally and safely** over the long-term.
+## Exercise Selection
+### Stimulus
+How do you know you are growing muscle? The stimulus proxies listed below are
+signs that muscle growth will occur.
+Target muscle experiences:
+- Tension
+- Burn
+- Pump
+- Fatigue and soreness
+Pick exercises that cause most or all the stimulus proxies. Avoid exercises that
+hurt your joints or cause high systemic fatigue. The exercise should fatigue the
+target muscle without fatiguing the nervous or cardiovascular systems. Lots of
+systemic fatigue will hinder the rest of the session and could hinder future
+sessions. Maximize the stimulus-to-fatigue ratio. Aim for the most stimulus
+proxies with the least systemic fatigue.
+### Movement Patterns
+The six primary movement patterns have the most stimulus since they are compound
+exercises targeting more than 1 muscle. Most of your time in the gym should be
+spent performing primary movement patterns.
+Primary Movement Patterns:
+- Horizontal Push (flat press)
+- Vertical Push (incline press)
+- Horizontal Pull (row)
+- Vertical Pull (pull-up)
+- Squat
+- Hip Hinge (deadlift)
+Secondary movement patterns and isolation exercises target muscles only slightly
+used during primary movement patterns. For example, the triceps are used during
+a horizontal push like the bench press, but if you want to grow your triceps,
+you should also do an elbow extension like the pushdown. I will go into
+detail about when and how many secondary movement patterns you need in the
+volume section.
+Secondary Movement Patterns:
+- Shoulder Adduction (chest flye)
+- Shoulder Abduction (rear delt flye)
+- Elbow Flexion (curl)
+- Elbow Extension (pushdown)
+- Knee Flexion (leg curl)
+- Knee Extension (leg extension)
+- Lateral Raise
+- Calf Raise
+- Spinal Flexion (abs)
+## Technique
+Proper exercise technique is essential to muscle growth. Before adding weight,
+ensure proper technique to stimulate the target muscle and reduce the risk of
+injury. The target muscle should be the limiting factor. In other words, as you
+near the end of a set, the target muscle should be close to failure and the
+factor preventing you from continuing. Remember that every repetition should
+look the same, so you can keep a log and continue to progress every week.
+- Full and standard range of motion
+- Controlled eccentric (negative)
+- Don't cheat (using non-target muscles or momentum)
+- Limiting tension and burn in the target muscle
+- Joints feel good
+## Warm Up
+Warming up decreases the risk of injury, makes your technique more efficient and
+targeted to the muscle you want to grow, and primes your nervous system so you
+can produce the most force.
+1. Optional: Easy cardio for 5-10 minutes
+2. Starting Weight: begin with a weight you can do for at least 20 reps and
+ perform 10-12
+3. Intermediate Sets: do at least 1 weight halfway between your starting and
+ working weights (the heavier the working weight, the more warm up sets)
+4. Potentiation (primes nervous system): do your working weight for 2-3 reps
+For every exercise after the first, only do the intermediate and potentiation
+## Loading and Rep Ranges
+Anything between 30 and 85% of your 1 rep max is good for muscle growth. This
+converts to roughly 5-30 reps where you get close to failure. Heavy compound
+movements like squats and rows are best in the 5-15 rep range. Isolation and
+machine movements are best in the 10-25 rep range.
+## Rest
+Check all 4 before beginning the next set:
+1. Target muscle can perform at least 5 reps
+2. Cardio will not limit you
+3. Nervous system will not limit you
+4. Non-target muscles will not limit you
+## Intensity
+Reps in reserve (RIR) is how many reps you have left in the tank at the end of a
+set. 5 RIR and above is suboptimal for muscle growth. Decreasing RIR linearly
+increases muscle growth. But, decreasing RIR exponentially increases fatigue. 0
+RIR (failure) grows more muscle than 4 RIR, but at the cost of much more
+fatigue. The best approach is to start at 3-4 RIR and, 4-8 weeks later, end at 0-1
+RIR. Add weight and/or reps each week to keep RIR the same or decrease it by 1.
+This way, you will work through an RIR range to manage fatigue and maximize
+muscle growth. At the beginning of a program, muscles are more sensitive to
+training, so you can start at a higher RIR than you would need towards the end
+of a program. Starting at 0 RIR would leave you no room to grow and would take
+longer to recover from. When you reach failure and/or are no longer progressing,
+enough fatigue accumulated that you need a deload to clear it.
+## Frequency
+The number of weekly sessions depends on the intensity and volume of each
+session. A recovered muscle can perform normally or better and is not sore. A
+good rule of thumb is to train each muscle group 2-4 times per week. The larger
+the muscle group, the longer it will take to recover and the fewer times you can
+train it. For example, hamstrings take much longer to recover than side delts.
+So, train hamstrings about twice per week and side delts closer to 3-4 times.
+## Volume
+The amount of work you do is defined as volume (force * distance). In the gym,
+this is weight * range of motion (ignore this since it should always be the
+same). Simply put, weight * number of reps. Add all your sets for the same
+muscle group together to get the total volume for that session. Volume drives
+muscle growth but comes with fatigue.
+Maintenance Volume (MV): the least volume that maintains muscle size
+- Gives muscles a break and allows them to recover completely
+- Useful for situations like vacations or injuries where sessions are shorter
+ and less often
+Minimum Effective Volume (MEV): the least volume that grows muscle
+- Gives a mild pump, fatigue, and soreness
+- Where you should start during the first week of a program
+Maximum Recoverable Volume (MRV): the most volume a muscle can recover from
+before training it again
+- Can still match or beat your last performance
+- Where you should end during the last week of a program
+Key Takeaway: spend most of your time progressing from MEV to MRV week to week
+and drop to MV occasionally to resensitize your muscles to training
+### Estimates
+*Note: these are weekly volumes in terms of sets per week and should be broken
+into 2-4 weekly sessions*
+- Chest
+ - MEV: 8
+ - MRV: 20-25
+- Triceps
+ - MEV: 6
+ - MRV: 16-20
+- Side and Rear Delts
+ - MEV: 8
+ - MRV: 25-30
+- Back
+ - MEV: 10
+ - MRV: 20-25
+- Biceps
+ - MEV: 8
+ - MRV: 20-25
+- Quadriceps
+ - MEV: 8
+ - MRV: 18-22
+- Hamstrings
+ - MEV: 4
+ - MRV: 12-16
+- Calves
+ - MEV: 8
+ - MRV: 16-25
+- Abs
+ - MEV: 0-6
+ - MRV: 25
+Most programs use compound exercises that already involve the triceps, delts,
+and biceps. Triceps, delts, and biceps volumes take that into account and only
+include isolation exercise sets. For example, pull-ups target the back but also
+involve the biceps. Since the biceps were already hit, fewer sets of curls are
+I did not include front delts, glutes, and traps volumes because these muscles
+get stimulated during other compound exercises. Their MEV is 0, like ab's.
+## Periodization
+Time Periods:
+- Set: 5-30 reps
+- Exercise: 1-5 sets
+- Session: 2-6 exercises (1-3 per muscle)
+- Microcycle: 1 week of training
+- Mesocycle: 3-12 weeks
+- Block: 1-4 mesocycles
+- Macrocycle: 1-4 blocks
+A mesocycle has an accumulation phase and a deload phase. The accumulation phase
+(increasing performance) should last between 4 and 8 weeks. Begin your first
+week of accumulation with 3-4 RIR and start at your MEV. For MEV, use the volume
+estimates as a guideline but autoregulate based on the stimulus proxies. Do
+enough sets to get the target muscle slightly pumped and fatigued, and then
+stop. Write down the weight, sets, and reps for each exercise. When you do the
+same session next week, add some combination of weight, sets, and reps to keep
+RIR the same or decrease it by 1. The goal is to beat your performance from last
+Add Sets From Last Week:
+- 1-2 if you had very little pump and soreness last time and recovered ahead of
+ time
+- 0-1 if you had a good pump and soreness last time and recovered on time
+- 0 if you were still sore when you planned to train that muscle again
+Heavy compounds and easily loadable machines (can add 5 lbs) are better for load
+increases. Because the jumps in weight are too large, heavy dumbbells and not
+easily loadable machines are better for rep and set increases.
+- If sets and weight stay then add 1 rep each set
+- If sets stay and weight increases then rep match last week
+- If sets increase and weight stays then rep match last week and perform a new
+ set at the new RIR
+- If sets and weight increase then rep match last week and perform a new set at
+ the new RIR
+### Deload
+In the last week of your accumulation phase, you will reach failure and/or no
+longer progress. Plan a deload for next week. In the first half of the week, do
+half the sets and reps with the same weight as the last week of your
+accumulation phase. In the second half of the week, do half the sets, reps, and
+### Block
+After the deload, you have completed your first mesocycle! Repeat this process
+for another 0-3 mesocycles to make up a block. Each mesocycle, consider swapping
+in new exercises that did not result in any personal records, gave you little
+pump, or caused joint pain.
+### Maintenance
+After a block, your body will be extremely fatigued. Your muscles need a break
+to heal and resensitize to training. One option is a low volume maintenance
+phase of 3-4 weeks where you do a third of your usual weekly sets in the 5-10
+rep range. Only train muscles 1-2 times per week. The alternative is to take a
+2-3 week active rest phase with almost no lifting.
+## Nutrition
+Track your calorie intake and weight regularly. After a week or two, you will
+know your maintenance calories (calories to maintain bodyweight). You can use
+15 calories per pound of bodyweight for a starting estimate.
+- Protein builds muscle (4 calories per gram)
+- Carbs provide mental and physical energy and potentiate muscle growth with
+ insulin and glycogen (4 calories per gram)
+- Fats keep hormones and health metrics up (9 calories per gram)
+Protein intake should be roughly 1 gram per pound of bodyweight per day. Fat
+intake should be 0.3-0.5 grams per pound of bodyweight per day. Carb intake
+should fill the remaining calories.
+### Bulk
+Gain 0.25-0.5% bodyweight per week over 8-16 weeks. Add 250 calories to your
+maintenance calories to gain about half a pound per week. Add 500 calories to
+your maintenance calories to gain about 1 pound per week.
+### Maintenance
+Your body will want to go back to its old weight after you finish bulking. This
+phase allows you to stay at your current weight and solidify the muscle you
+gained. Remove half of your surplus (whatever you added to your maintenance
+calories). Your maintenance calorie intake is higher now because you are
+heavier. You will lose some water weight by removing half of your surplus. But,
+it should not exceed 2% of your bodyweight. If you continue to lose weight, add
+250 calories.
+### Mini Cut
+This phase is to cut the fat you gained during bulking and to potentiate muscle
+growth. For 4-6 weeks, lose 0.75-1.25% bodyweight per week. Remove 750 calories
+from your maintenance calories to lose 1.5 pounds per week. Remove 1000 calories
+from your maintenance calories to lose 2 pounds per week.
diff --git a/content/blog/why-I-plan-to-downgrade-my-smartphone.md b/content/blog/why-I-plan-to-downgrade-my-smartphone.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6758bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/why-I-plan-to-downgrade-my-smartphone.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+title: Why I Plan to Downgrade My Smartphone
+date: 2022-07-31
+Smartphones changed the way we interact with the world around us. Instead of
+going to the bank to deposit a check, we can upload it online. Instead of going
+outside to check the weather, we check our phones. Instead of writing notes down
+in a notebook, we type them out on a phone. While there is a convenience factor
+to smartphones, they are pulling us away from real face-to-face interactions,
+which we desperately need more of. We are living in a world more connected than
+ever before, yet people have fewer friends and are more polarized. Where is the
+appeal of a nice sunset or hiking adventure when social media apps like TikTok
+and Instagram are calling your name? How can anyone have a productive day at
+work when the rings and buzzes from notifications are fighting for your
+On top of this, smartphones are now switching from convenience to necessity.
+University campuses around the United States now require proof of a negative
+COVID-19 test through a smartphone app. Employers use software like Amazon Web
+Services or Microsoft Office, and they highly encourage their employees to use
+two-factor authentication through a smartphone app. Signing up on websites
+requires a cell phone number. Attending events and conferences requires a
+smartphone app. All this is to say that it is becoming more difficult every day
+to function in society without a smartphone. Society is becoming dependent on
+Smartphones are the most personal type of computer. They have a ton of sensitive
+information about you: pictures, messages, access to accounts like social media
+and bank information, and even your location and camera. With companies like
+Meta (formerly Facebook) and Google selling personal information, this should be
+a concern for everyone. Despite this level of intimacy, a smartphone is a
+computer you have the least amount of control over. The only apps users can
+download are from the App Store or Google Play Store, and you do not have root
+access to the device despite it being yours. In other words, you only have as
+much access as Apple or Google are willing to give their users. Also, there is a
+limit on which apps can be deleted. Sometimes the app will seem to be deleted,
+but it is only hidden from the home screen. Settings to disable certain
+permissions on the phone only go so far, and there is no guarantee they even
+I got my first smartphone in middle school as a tool. Now, I face the reality
+that it is so much more of a crutch than a tool. I want to control my phone and
+not have it control me. This is why I am downgrading to a traditional phone. I
+encourage others to do the same.
diff --git a/content/books/index.md b/content/books/index.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/content/books/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title: Books
+If a topic is new to you, I recommend reading original and foundational books
+- The Bible (specifically the Gospels, Proverbs, Romans, and 1 Corinthians)
+- How to Think and Grow Rich
+- Atomic Habits
+- Principles by Ray Dalio
+- How to Win Friends and Influence People
+- The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
+- Rich Dad Poor Dad
+- The Great Mental Models by Farnam Street
+- The 4-Hour Workweek
+- 12 Rules for Life
+- The Book on Rental Property Investing
+- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
+- The Intelligent Investor
+- [Competitive Programmer's Handbook](https://cses.fi/book/book.pdf)
diff --git a/content/donate/index.md b/content/donate/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5870e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/donate/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+title: Donate
+If you like my software and other content, consider donating to help me continue
+work like it!
+## Payment Methods
+- Venmo: @mhunteman
+- Coming soon: Fosspay
diff --git a/content/links/index.md b/content/links/index.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/links/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+title: Links
+## Check Out My Friends' Pages
+- [Gabe Paredes](https://gabrielparedes.com)
+- [Caed Garrett](https://toasunder.com)
+- [Ryan Nyffeler](https://ryannyff.com)
diff --git a/content/projects/index.md b/content/projects/index.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/projects/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+title: Projects
+## Coding Interview Prep
+ This repository is a compilation of my solutions to the Blind 75, a list of
+ common types of coding problems created by a Meta (Facebook) tech lead.
+### Get Started
+Install the latest version of Java.
+git clone https://git.huntm.net/coding-interview.git
+cd coding-interview
+java <name-of-problem>
+## Stock Picker
+ This program is inspired by algorithms and design patterns taught in SOFT260
+ at UNL. The application uses a dynamic programming approach to maximize the
+ value determined by the user. The problem is framed as a directed acyclic
+ graph, so the vertices can be explored in topological order. The vertices
+ represent the money spent in USD up to that point in time. The root vertex is
+ $0 and the last child visited is the total amount of money the user has to
+ spend. With the dynamic programming approach, the algorithm breaks down the
+ largest problem "maximize for value up to the buying power of the user" into
+ smaller problems where the value is maximized for buying power less than what
+ the user entered.
+### Get Started
+Install the latest version of Java.
+git clone https://git.huntm.net/stocks.git
+cd stocks
+java picker.java
diff --git a/layouts/.DS_Store b/layouts/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/.DS_Store
Binary files differ
diff --git a/layouts/_default/list.html b/layouts/_default/list.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d3faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/_default/list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{{ partial "head.html" . }}
+{{ partial "header.html" . }}
+ <ul>
+ {{ range .Pages }}
+ <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{.Date.Format "Jan 2, 2006"}} - {{ .Name }}</a></li>
+ {{ end }}
+ </ul>
+{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
diff --git a/layouts/_default/single.html b/layouts/_default/single.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5788c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/_default/single.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{{ partial "head.html" . }}
+{{ partial "header.html" . }}
+ <article>
+ {{ .Content }}
+ </article>
+{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
diff --git a/layouts/index.html b/layouts/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2384984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{{ partial "head.html" . }}
+{{ partial "header.html" . }}
+ {{ .Content }}
+ <hr />
+ <h2>Recent Posts</h2>
+ <ul>
+ {{ range (where .Site.Pages "Section" "blog") }}
+ {{ range .Pages }}
+ <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{.Date.Format "Jan 2, 2006"}} - {{ .Name }}</a></li>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ </ul>
+{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/footer.html b/layouts/partials/footer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1226f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/partials/footer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ <hr />
+ <nav>
+ <ul class="links">
+ {{ range .Site.Menus.footer }}
+ <li><a href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a></li>
+ {{ end }}
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ <hr />
+ Site content is <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>.
+ Projects are <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html">GNU GPL</a>.
diff --git a/layouts/partials/head.html b/layouts/partials/head.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c862011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/partials/head.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8"/>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/style.css"/>
+ <title>{{ .Title }}</title>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/header.html b/layouts/partials/header.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b68b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/partials/header.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
+ <hr />
+ <nav>
+ <ul class="links">
+ {{ range .Site.Menus.header }}
+ <li><a href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a></li>
+ {{ end }}
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
+ <hr />
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/resume.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+body {
+ color: #212529;
+ background: #fff;
+ margin: 2% auto;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ max-width: min(95%, 64em);
+a {
+ color: #007bff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+a:hover {
+ color: #0056b3;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ul.links {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ justify-content: space-evenly;
+hr {
+ color: #fff;
+footer {
+ text-align: center;
+@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
+ body {
+ background: #212529;
+ color: #f8f9fa;
+ }
+ a {
+ color: #3395ff;
+ }
+ hr {
+ color: #212529;
+ }